No. AMEJA is a completely secular organization.
AMEJA members form a worldwide network of journalists and media professionals who offer one another mutual support, advice, and assistance. They also often advocate for the growth and success of journalists of Middle Eastern and North African descent in the field. Members have access to our carefully curated weekly jobs and opportunities newsletter and they are eligible to be nominated for the newly-initiated Walid El-Gabry Journalism Prize which recognizes a member that has produced exceptional work. Moreover, members have exclusive access to AMEJA-sponsored events, are eligible for discounts to conferences of peer organizations such as SAJA (South Asian Journalists Association), AAJA (Asian American Journalists Association), UNITY (a conference of peer “identity” organizations), and they enjoy opportunities for collaboration with these and many other professional organizations. As AMEJA evolves, there will be more benefits to a full membership. What are the membership dues? Dues are charged according to membership category. Please see the Membership page for more details. I don’t cover Middle Eastern politics. In fact, I don’t cover politics at all. Does it make sense for me to join (or can I)? Absolutely. AMEJA is for professional journalists covering a wide range of topics. Our members specialize in business journalism, crime, public and international affairs, gastronomy, the arts, sciences, lifestyle, and other areas. They work in audio, film & television and print. I want to start an AMEJA chapter in my city. How do I do so? Contact the AMEJA board, board@ameja.org, and we’ll help guide you through the process. Starting a chapter is easy. You just have to meet with other members in your geographic location periodically and adhere to AMEJA’s standards. All AMEJA Chapters must be approved by the Board before they can be formalized. I notice that a lot of events take place in New York. Do you do anything outside of New York? The organization was founded in NYC and a number of our current board members live and work in the tri-state area. However, AMEJA events often take place elsewhere and we encourage this! AMEJA events can be professional, educational, or social. And, if there is an event you think AMEJA should co-sponsor, for example, a lecture at a local university, please let us know. We also host virtual events throughout the year and welcome participation in conceptualizing and organizing them. What if I work in the advertising department of a local TV station or for an advocacy group. Can I join AMEJA? If you are interested in joining AMEJA, we encourage you to apply for membership. Please review the membership categories on the membership page, and select the one that you think fits best. Ultimately, decisions about the appropriate type of membership will be made on a case-by-case basis. Employees of media companies are typically considered good candidates. What about academics interested in the MENA? Many working journalists teach and conduct academic research, so they may qualify for full membership. However, if the bulk of a scholar’s activity is devoted to academic research, associate membership would be most appropriate. I am a communications officer for my country’s embassy, can I join? No. Employees of government entities, multi-national organizations like the UN or IMF,, or other, do not qualify for any category of AMEJA membership. Exceptions might be made for people working in education, but those will be decided on a case-by-case basis. |